Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Friendly Letter Writing for a Year

Each month, the children are given a topic to write about in their letter:

  • October - Introduce yourself. Describe your family and your interests.  Enclose a picture of yourself.

  • November - Tell your pen pal what life is like in the USA.  Enclose a post card or picture with your letter.

  • December - Explain some of your winter holiday traditions.  Enclose a holiday card with your letter.

  • January - Describe some of the animals that live in our area.  Draw pictures of the animals.

  • February - Describe the different seasons we experience.  Draw a picture that shows each season.

  • March - Tell some of the fun things you've learned about in school this year.  Enclose a picture of the whole class.

  • April - Describe the rural, suburban, and urban areas near us.  Enclose a map of our town and state.

  • May - Write a story about your pen pal.  Make your pen pal the hero of the story.  Enclose an illustration.

  • June - Tell your pen pal what you plan on doing over the summer.  If you have your parent's permission, you can exchange home addresses or e-mail addresses.

It's fun way to practice letter-writing skills and learn about people in other parts of the world.  The kids love receiving letters from their pen pals, seeing the international stamps on the envelope, and exchanging small "gifts" with their pen pals throughout the year.

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